

Friends of Te Papa memberships

We’ve updated how Friends of Te Papa memberships work.

Membership is now a subscription plan that renews every 12 months.

As a member you’ll still enjoy the same benefits, for the same price, and for the same time period.

You can cancel your membership at any time.

How to join Friends Of Te Papa for the first time

Click “Purchase Now” to purchase a Friends of Te Papa membership online.

You can set your membership to renew automatically, or to renew it manually.

If you choose to renew it manually, we will send you an email reminder when payment is due.

Purchase Now

How to renew an existing Friends of Te Papa membership

If you’re already a Friends of Te Papa member, you’ll need to update to the new subscription plan.

You will need to login before you purchase the subscription as it is tied to your account.

Click “Purchase Now” to purchase a Friends of Te Papa membership online.

You can set your membership to renew automatically, or to renew it manually.

If you choose to renew it manually, we will send you an email reminder when payment is due.

Purchase Now